Addiction Treatment in Taunton, MA

Taunton in Massachusetts it has been plagued with drug problems over the last number of years. According to the Daily Gazette, a local newspaper, fatal drug overdoses tripled in 2016. Much of the noise about the drug issues in this Massachusetts town has been to do with mixing fentanyl a highly dangerous substance with heroin. The two substances, when combined are more likely to cause a fatality. It's really frightening that so many lives are being claimed because of addiction, so we are examining addiction treatment in Taunton more carefully in this article.

What Is Addiction?

Addiction can be described as the psychological and physical dependency on something. It is compulsive behaviors that drive a person to take a substance or engage in an activity in dangerous, persistent manner. It is important that professionals tackle addiction and luckily there is a range of excellent options for addiction treatment in Taunton. Some examples of treatment for addiction include drug and alcohol facilities, drug rehabs in Taunton, drug detox and inpatient/outpatient programs. There is an option for addiction treatment in Taunton for everyone.

What Symptoms Are Associated with Drug Withdrawal?

Drug withdrawal is very frightening as there are many very unsavory side effects attached to it. Such side effects include but are not limited to the following:

  • High blood pressure
  • Anxiety, depression, and nervousness
  • Increase in body temperature
  • Growth in heart rate
  • Flushed skin and excessive sweating
  • Hallucinations
  • Disorientation and confusion

The above side effects are just a small snapshot of what an addict can face during withdrawal, and due to the potentially dangerous fallout of these symptoms, it is imperative that a drug user does not attempt to detox on their own without external medical assistance.

Types of Addiction Treatment

We mentioned some examples of addiction treatment in Taunton that is available to drug dependents. In this section of the article, we will examine some of these further-

Inpatient Treatment

Inpatient treatment is a very intensive option for addiction sufferers. Mostly it involves leaving one's life as they know it and entering a live-in facility for an extended period. Inpatient rehab can be likened to a hospital of sorts, but with a homelier feel. Addicts are required to undergo a detoxing period within the confines of the facility, all the while being monitored by medical staff around the clock. Inpatient rehab is last chance for saloon for severely addicted patients, and it requires complete submission and loss of freedom in respect. As an inpatient of a rehab center, you are putting your wellbeing in the full care of the professionals, and you are required to follow a plan towards healing. It is a suitable option for those who are past the point of being able to manage their daily responsibilities due to their addiction issues.

Group Therapy

Group therapy takes on many guises including counseling and the spiritual 12-step program, adopted by Alcoholics Anonymous. Group therapy can be powerful for some people, but not so much for others. It is very confronting to share your addiction journey in front of others, but some people thrive on the accountability that it makes them take for their drug and alcohol problems.

Art and Music Therapy

These types of holistic therapies are making waves in the addiction treatment world, and some people are finding them incredibly helpful for their healing. Creative style therapies are a less confrontational way of addressing addiction issues, and they tend to work well for people who struggle to articulate their feelings well. Holistic treatments are an alternative means of self-expression.

If you are worried about a family member or friend and believe that they may have a problem with addiction, give us a call. We are highly trained professionals and are experienced in all areas of substance abuse. We are here to give you confidential support and also to refer you for addiction treatment in Taunton. Suffer no more; the path to sobriety can be reached by calling Taunton Drug Rehab Centers now. {{telephoneformatted}.

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